Mobile generator setПередвижная станция
Product categories:Generator Set
Product description:

Mobile type diesel generator set series has many kinds of structure and functions, as hand trail type, three-wheel type, four-wheel type, and mobile power supply vehicle, mobile trailer generator set, mobile/silent type, mobile container type, power engineering vehicle.

They have good operational and security performance.

1. Use mobile type draw hook, turnplate steering flexible

2. It has reliable connector for air brake and hand brake system.

3. In order to guarantee stable of power van during operation, it can option 4 pcs machinery or hydraulic support device.

4. Carriage size can be decided according to different size, operation staff can walk around, and easier for operation and maintenance.

5. Generator set exhaust pipe use downward exhaust type and make sure beautiful.

6. Each set has 2 pcs fire extinguisher.

Передвижная станция делится на разные структуры и функции: ручная, трехколесная, четырехколесная, генераторная тележка, передвижный прицеп, беззвучная, контейнерная, механичесткая. Она отличается хорошей 

Оперативностью и безопасносью. 

Product model: 5-1000千瓦 | 
5-1000千瓦 introduction of products
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